Auricular therapy or ear seeding is a form of needle free and pain free acupuncture. over hundreds of years Chinese Medicine has worked out that different points on the ear represent different parts of the body and organs. Ear seeds are tiny metal silver or gold beads that stick in place using a small clear sticker on your skin.when in pl
Auricular therapy or ear seeding is a form of needle free and pain free acupuncture. over hundreds of years Chinese Medicine has worked out that different points on the ear represent different parts of the body and organs. Ear seeds are tiny metal silver or gold beads that stick in place using a small clear sticker on your skin.when in place the seeds stimulate and apply pressure to nerve endings which in turn send messages to the brain or identified parts of the body that need support.Placing ear seeds may assist with a variety of health conditions.
A typical treatment would take around 20-30 minutes.
Anyone over the age of 8 years can have Ear Seeds placed.
Pregnant Women are advised not to have ear seeds.
Medical grade adhesive is used to secure the ear seeds, although whose with an adhesive allergy are advised against it.
Nickel Free Seeds are now available , please let me know if you have a nickel allergy,
Anyone with an ear infection
Anyone over the age of 8 years can have Ear Seeds placed.
Pregnant Women are advised not to have ear seeds.
Medical grade adhesive is used to secure the ear seeds, although whose with an adhesive allergy are advised against it.
Nickel Free Seeds are now available , please let me know if you have a nickel allergy,
Anyone with an ear infection , skin irritation or fever are advised having ear seeds placed at that time.
Ear seeds can help with the following:
Stres and Anxiety
Back and Neck pain
Weight loss
and many others....
Please contact me to discuss any other conditions
Ear seeding costs just £20
for 20-30 minute consultation and fitting.
The seeds that are applied are either 24 carat gold plated or Sterling silver plated or Nickel free.
All seeds used during treatments are genuine ACUSEED products and are also available to buy in kit form from myself.